The Art of Being Here

Life isn’t the grand arrival —
it’s the missed turn
that led you to a prettier street.

It’s the rainstorm
that ruined your plans
but made the flowers dance.

It’s laughing too loud,
spilling your coffee,
waving back at someone
who wasn’t waving at you —
and pretending you meant to.

Life is in the almosts —
the wrong words, the right feelings,
the mess you didn’t clean up
because the sunset was too pretty.

It’s the quiet victories,
like getting out of bed on a hard day
or saying no when your heart wanted yes.

It’s deep talks at midnight,
the warmth of a hand in yours,
and the way dogs always seem
to know who needs love the most.

So don’t wait for life to be perfect —
it never will be.
But if you’re lucky,
it’ll be beautiful anyway.

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